Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Movie night outfit!

I went to see the new Superman flick tonight, oh my gosh what a cutie! He had the whole Wolverine thing going on initially, with his hot beard and by the end of the movie I was drooling over his bulging biceps and ripped abs through his suit! Hahaha!

But today was the first time I wore this necklace (that I'd got for free for shopping for a certain amount at a pharmacy??! Sat whaat!). I paired it with an oversized Accessorize-esq bag and layered it with this cotton red shirt which I wore with khaki's.

Now I think it would've looked better like this. Don't you agree? :)

Ps: Definitely recommend the movie though! Man of Steel was very different from any other Superman movie I've seen with how much detail it went into with Kal-el's life and his history with Krypton. There was no mention on Kryptonite, no Lex Luthor and a little less action for my liking, but a good movie nonetheless!


  1. Totally drooling for that necklace <3

    Bong's Belleza

    1. I love your monsoon outfit on your most recent post!! Thank you for dropping by :)

  2. Cute and colorful! Please drop by to my fashion blog www.JuneWantsItAll.com
    and tell me what you think!

    1. Hi there June! :) If you'll look at my 'favourite reads' you'll see I'm already following you!

  3. Really nice and thanks for your sweet comment!

    New post: http://themilkandmint.blogspot.it/2013/06/sunday-at-lake.html


♥ I hope your day is all ice cream and unicorns ♥